FLE Alumni

Neil J. Anderson, Professor, Department of Linguistics and English Language ‒ TESOL
Brigham Young University, U.S.A. CV
Years in FLE: 1986-1989

Dr. Neil J. Anderson is a Fulbright Fellow in el Centro de Aprendizaje de Lenguas de la Universidad de San Carlos (CALUSAC) de Guatemala in Guatemala City.He is also a Professor of Linguistics and English Language at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. He alsoserves as the Coordinator of the English Language Center. He teaches courses in the TESOL Master’s program as well as language classes to second language learners. His research interests include second language reading, language learner strategies, and English Language Teaching leadership development. Professor Anderson has taught and presented papers and workshops in over 25 countries.

Suresh Canagarajah, Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics and English
Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. Webpage
Years in FLE: 1987-1990

Dr. Suresh Canagarajah is William J and Catherine Craig Kirby Professor in Language Learning at the Pennsylvania State University. He had his early education in the war-torn northern region of Sri Lanka where he taught English language and literature for students from mostly rural backgrounds at the University of Jaffna. Later, he joined the faculty at the City University of New York (Baruch College and the Graduate Center) where he taught multilingual urban students for a decade. His research on the literacy concerns of African American students has appeared in composition journals. He has also studied issues in bilingualism and English language teaching.

Judith Liskin-Gasparro, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese
University of Iowa, U.S.A. Webpage
Years in FLE: 1991-1993

Dr. Judith Liskin-Gasparro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa, where she teaches courses in teaching methods, second language acquisition, and Spanish language. For 13 years (until fall 2006) she was the Director of the General Education Program in Spanish. She is also Co-Director of FLARE (Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Education), which offers an interdisciplinary doctoral program in Second Language Acquisition. Her research interests include discourse strategies of second-language learners, language acquisition during study abroad, the acquisition of narrative skill in a second language, and foreign language assessment.

Yuh-Show Cheng, Professor, Department of English
National Taiwan Normal Unversity, Taiwan CV Webpage
Years in FLE: 1994-1998

Dr. Yuh-Show Cheng is a professor in the Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan. She also serves both on the Editorial Board for the Journal English Teaching & Learning and on the Administrative Committee for the English Teaching Research Association in Taiwan. Her research interests include language anxiety, individual differences in second language acquisition, EFL teacher education, and EFL writing research. Her works have appeared in journals such as Language Learning, Journal of Second Language Writing, Foreign Language Annals, Journal of English for Specific Purposes, Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, and so forth.

George Braine, Associate Professor, Department of English
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Interview Webpage
Years in FLE: 1987-1989

Dr. George Braine teaches at the English Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has also taught in Sri Lanka, the Sultanate of Oman, and the USA. His co-edited volume (with Diane Belcher) Academic Writing in a Second Language (1994) is now considered a classic in the field. HisNon-native Educators in English Language Teaching (1999) is regarded as the groundbreaking publication in the area of nonnative speaker English teachers. He has also editedTeaching English to the World (2005), which describes English language teaching in 15 countries. His forthcoming book,Nonnative Speaker English Teachers: Research, Pedagogy, & Professional Growth will be published by Routledge in 2010.

Posen Liao, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
National Taiwan Normal Unversity, Taiwan CV Webpage
Years in FLE: 1999-2002

Dr. Posen Liao is an associate professor of the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation at National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan. He is also the author of several popular books on the topics of translation and academic writing in Taiwan, such as Teaching of English and Translation, Handbook of Research Papers Writing andGrammar for the Writing of English Research Papers. His academic interests are second language acquisition, English learning strategies, translation studies, and English for academic purposes.